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Food Photography on Black

This month’s food photography challenge with The Inspired Plate was to shoot your food on black. That was new and challenging for me. Didn’t ever get exactly what I had pictured in my head. I did like the simple fruit on black with the slight reflection.

fruit on black background with plexi-glass

I used a piece of plexi glass on top of my black background to make the reflections in these shots.

The milk and graham crackers was one of my favorites. Maybe because milk and grahammies are a comfort food for me. Truth.

Milk and graham crackers on black

I might have eaten the graham crackers and milk right after that shot. Just sayin’

This month’s challenge was even more

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, well, challenging because we’re in the midst of packing up the house for a move and I couldn’t image getting out my softbox…which I really could have used because we’ve had a cloudy dark week, and I couldn’t find many of my food props. So much for thinking I’m doing a good job of labeling the packing boxes.

Anyway, I tried some wine and cheese, but just didn’t get exactly what I wanted. Not enough reflection.

wine and cheese on black

Okay , that might have disappeared soon after this photo was taken too… I’m really tired of packing and–well–a woman needs rewards sometimes, you know?

The next one shows how I kept getting a weird blue cast on the black from some angles. Had to keep moving just slightly to avoid the blues.

snacks on a black background

I experimented with putting the food on plates or directly on the plexiglass. I think I like it better right on the plexi so you can see the reflections of the food, rather than just the reflection of the edge of the plate.

snack on plate on black

I learned a lot with the shoot and love when we have challenges that push me out of my comfort zone. Jump over to Cayce Wegman | Boston Food Blogger and see what she came up with for this month’s food photography on black challenge.

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  • Jennifer October 22, 2012, 10:57 am

    Kay-looks like you had some tasty snacks while you were shooting! 😉
    Like you, I would have had to unpack my lights so I opted to play by the window and whatever that would give me. I’m not moving but I’d just wrapped up three portrait sessions and put everything away when I realized DOH! I need to shoot my food! So window light it is 🙂
    I think the plexi is awesome-I can totally see playing around with that!

  • Tiffany | Peanut Blossom October 22, 2012, 11:52 am

    Wow Kay, I can imagine the plexi made this even a little trickier to shoot with the added reflections. What a neat effect it has in your photos! Love the wine and cheese one myself. 🙂

  • Kat October 22, 2012, 12:11 pm

    Kay, I like the reflection of the food as well. That can be tricky too as I found out. I love how the orange and apple just jump off the page.

  • Stacey S October 22, 2012, 12:49 pm

    I’ll have to try a reflection sometime! Nicely done – I love all the different examples you showed. The graham crackers and milk look so at home on a black background – so comforting!

  • Laurie October 22, 2012, 1:55 pm

    It’s so fun to see the reflection photos you gals did. This is lovely! I know we definitely grew up in the same era when we can always rely on milk and grammies as comfort food! Everyday after school, homework on one side of the table and milk and grahams on the other!

    Thank you Kay for still participating with all that has been on your plate. Your “favorite” sons wedding, building your new house, packing up the old. Your amazing! xo

  • Kim - Liv Life October 22, 2012, 2:24 pm

    I LOVE the reflections!!! I’ve often wondered how people got those gorgeous reflections, and never thought of plexiglass over the black.. I’m SO buying some!! Good luck on the move! Your shots are beautiful!

  • Tammy Bilodeau October 22, 2012, 4:29 pm

    What a super range of images. I think you did great, considering your getting ready to move! Love the bright colours in them all and the reflections were a nice added touch. 🙂

  • Caroline October 25, 2012, 10:32 am

    These came out beautiful! And the reflections are gorgeous!!

  • Jen Olson | Localette October 25, 2012, 3:38 pm

    Kay, I REALLY love your use of the reflection in these images!! Looks like everyone else does, as well!! Thank you for the inspiration!! Well done!