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Fine Art Friday – Perfect Moment

perfect mountain moment lily lake RMNP

Mountains. Sunshine. Blue sky. White clouds. A perfect moment in time.

We recently spent a few days in Estes Park, Colorado. We love it there. I went to Cheley Camp in Estes when I was a girl, and the mountains are like a siren to me. Calling me back

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, again and again. We took a quick 3 day trip there this fall. My camera with rarely out of my hands the whole trip. This is a shot of Lily Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Going to the mountains is like going home for me. The peace of the mountains restores my soul.

Join the others in our Fine Art Friday group and see what they’ve come up with this month. Hop over to Albuquerque Area Photographer Laura Meek‘s blog.

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  • Christie September 28, 2012, 7:07 am

    What an amazing reflection. Beautiful!

  • Heather September 28, 2012, 12:01 pm

    Wow that is a perfect moment in time! Love the reflection. I just want to grab a book and go sit by that lake for a day.

  • laura September 28, 2012, 8:08 pm

    Isn’t colorado such a wonderful state? glad you got to visit and capture some of it’s beauty – love the reflection!

  • Britt Anderson September 29, 2012, 8:47 am

    Holy moly, this is gorgeous. Makes me want to be there right now. Love the reflection.

  • Leigh Ann Hines September 29, 2012, 9:38 am

    gorgeous shot. Love the peacefulness and the reflection. I was just in Colorado last month. It was gorgeous, but I didnt get a chance to enjoy the scenery and explore as much as I would have liked.

  • Laurie October 2, 2012, 5:17 pm

    Oh my goodness.. this is BEAUTIFUL! Definitely a perfect moment! I have a “list” of Colorado spots I want to visit.. So pretty there!