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Carpe Diem {Fine Art}

The dogwood bloom in early morning light

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is
to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~  Marcus Aurelius

Carpe Diem

When I was growing up, I was never a morning person. I’d fight for every second of sleep I could wrestle from the morning. But my father? He is, was, and probably has been a morning person since the day he was born.

I’d stumble down to the breakfast table with my dad sitting cheerfully in his chair eating his breakfast. He’d say something bright and chipper to me. Quite often it was Carpe Diem–seize the day. I’d say some typical snide teenager remark back at him

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, “sure, whatever.”

Now that I’m all grown up–no really–I love the mornings. I get up early. I love to see the morning sky slowly color up with pinks and yellows as the sun rises. I love to get my cup of coffee and watch the birds out the windows of my office. I love to watch the morning sun paint the flowers and leaves with a delicate warm light.

Shockingly , I do love to carpe diem.

Okay, I confess–I’m still not much of a talker until I’ve had a cup of coffee or two, but I do love my early mornings.

(I had a hard time deciding on which photograph to use. Loved them both, but the first one shows the morning sun and shadows and I just love that. But I’m posting my second choice, just because. Taken with my lensbaby lens.)

dogwood blooms with lensbaby

Enjoy the other great Fine Art Friday photographs by hopping around our blog circle. Visit Story of Life Photography, NJ, fine art friday

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  • Beth April 27, 2012, 6:40 am

    I love the morning, too, Kay! There is nothing quite like watching the sunrise sweep over everything. Both images are beautiful!

  • dalia April 27, 2012, 8:13 am

    these are just gorgeous!! There is noting like the quiet stillness of the morning…

  • Jodi April 27, 2012, 10:14 am

    I love them both Kay! So beautiful… I do love the mornings but I certainly don’t seize the day until a coffee…or 3 🙂

  • Jenny April 27, 2012, 3:54 pm

    I love mornings now too that I’m older. Actually I appreciate a lot more as I age! Your images are gorgeous!

  • Laurie May 2, 2012, 1:08 pm

    These are beautiful Kay! I’d love to see your living room walls.. because you should have your flower and bird images enlarged and in frames!! 🙂

  • Amy Shertzer May 8, 2012, 12:24 am

    So pretty and such a great example of how light can totally change the feel of an image. I think I like the first with the stronger shadows, just cause I don’t see that kind of light in images as often. But they are both so pretty!