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Food Photography Challenge for February

This month’s food photography challenge in the food photography group I’m in was for veggies. Uncooked and cooked. My husband has been on a low carb diet for awhile…and I have to say I’m really missing our pasta. Then I recently  discovered spaghetti squash

food photography columbia missouri

I can’t believe how yummy it is! I slice it in half lengthwise, place it sliced side down in a glass pan with a bit of water and bake it in the oven for about 45-60 minutes. Then just scoop/scrap out the “meat” of the squash with a fork. Makes wonderful “spaghetti” noodles. Here it is with a marinara and sausage sauce. It has a wonderful nutty flavor and texture.

I also made the squash up and then heated the “spaghetti” noodles in a bit of olive oil and italian spices. Splashed on a bit of balsamic vinegar. That was excellent too. My new favorite veggie. Spaghetti Squash.

As an aside

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, my camera was in the repair center to get the focus fixed on it…hopefully… I used my backup Canon 40D on these photos and once I got my groove back with it, I will say the old girl still does me proud. A bit weak in the higher ISO department , but I still love that camera. I did have to steal it back from my husband though. He’s been using it. Oops!

Jump over to Tiffany Dahle from Develop to see what she came up with for this month’s Food Photography Challenge.

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  • Stacey S February 20, 2012, 8:12 am

    Yaaay for spaghetti squash! I’m so glad you used this vegetable – one of my favorites, too, although no one in the house except for me likes it! Love the way you presented both versions and the props you used! 🙂

  • Tiffany | Develop February 20, 2012, 8:43 am

    I love your color palette here, Kay! I’ve tried spaghetti squash and just can’t seem to cook it to get the texture right. Good for you for turning it into actual “spaghetti”!

  • Tammy Bilodeau February 20, 2012, 10:40 am

    Looks good Kay. I enjoy Spaghetti squash also, it’s a good substitute for the real thing. I really like your red and yellow them….they go so well together and make everything pop. 🙂

  • Kat February 20, 2012, 11:11 am

    I don’t know that I’ve ever had spaghetti squash…thanks for the great idea. I love your colors as well, they work great together.

  • Laurie February 20, 2012, 12:51 pm

    This past weekend with all the pizza’s around.. I told myself it was time for a low carb clean out! Love spaghetti squash.. never used it as actual spaghetti though.. but I hear it’s wonderful!! Love your colors, and layout. And those towels.. DARLING!! Beautiful photo’s Kay!

  • Allison Jacobs February 20, 2012, 3:13 pm

    Love the pop of red here & those antique towels add such great detail to the images! Looks yummy!

  • Carey Pace February 21, 2012, 6:19 am

    I looooooooooove spaghetti squash!!! Excellent choice of vegetable – another veggie underdog! I love your color scheme here as well.

  • Kirsten February 21, 2012, 10:31 pm

    Wow yours actually looks like spaghetti! Whenever I make it it turns mushy and yuk! Yours looks delish!

  • Kim - Liv Life February 27, 2012, 6:32 pm

    I remember when I was little my mom used to try to fool us that the squash was pasta… didn’t work! And we wouldn’t eat it. Now I’m with you, I love it! Love the colors you have going on here, something I need to work on. Well done!!