I’ve recently revamped my web presence to just a blogsite instead of a blog and website. The website wasn’t very iphone/ipad/cell phone friendly, and I’m just not a big lover of flash sites. I also changed from Kay Pickens Photography to kaypickens.com. So if you could indulge me for the next few weeks, while I repost some of my photos from my old sites, to give you a taste of my photography style.

As the mother of 5 boys, I adore the chance to shoot little girls. Aren’t they gorgeous?

Loved the hat! This little girl’s attitude was sassy in a cool kind of way, you know?

This was a shot of a photography friend, Tracy Tisdale‘s son. I know, he’s going to be a lady killer when he grows up, isn’t he? These shots were taken when I went to a fabulous workshop in Dallas and got to meet up with some great photography friends.
I’m also making changes to the blog, so if you come back here and it looks different, well, that’s just me messing with the blog.