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She Longs to Dance in the Rain

I’ve started a new series of photos. I call this series The Awakening. They are a series of self portraits where I’m exploring the idea of finding yourself, or finding what makes your heart sing. What really fulfills you. How you find it. The transformation you make as you are searching. The yearning to figure it out. The person you become when you do what really calls to you.

As a lot of you know, I started in photography with a film camera back in my early 20’s. I don’t believe that photography really spoke to me until I started with a DSLR in my 50’s. I’ve done portrait photography

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, newborns, seniors, boudoir, and food photography.  While I rarely do any of the genres of portrait photography any more, I still do a lot of photography. I sell my photography for wall art on my artist website.

But now as I find that photography speaks to me in ways I had never imagined, I explore, I search. I get frustrated, elated, confused, ecstatic. I’ve had this idea for this series, The Awakening, for awhile, but never had the guts to put myself out there and actually do the images

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, process them as I see them in my mind, and show them to people. Not to mention, figure out all the logistics of taking self portraits. There was a lot of trial and error (missed focus on self portraits) at the beginning.

So here is the first image in my series. I’m sure as I go along, I may change the sequence as the series grows. Join me in my exploration of The Awakening:

She Longs to Dance in the Rain

She Longs to Dance in the Rain


The Dinner Bell

This dinner bell brings back so many memories. I was in college when my parents bought a lakehouse at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. Right after the house was built, they hung this old dinner bell and railroad spike on the tree by the deck.

old iron triangle dinner ball

The Dinner Bell Print for Sale


So many memories of that bell. Ringing it to call people up from the lake to the house for many, many loud-boisterous-chaotic meals. So much laughter. So many days spent with good friends and family. The memories of the kids arguing on whose turn it was to ring the bell.

Things change. Years go by. We rarely go to the lakehouse anymore…Lake of the Ozarks is no longer the place it used to be. My parents maybe go once a year. But my grown children still go regularly. I can only hope they are still ringing that dinner bell for meals with their family and friends. Next time I go to the lake

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, I’m so going to take a video of someone ringing that bell–I want to hear that lovely sound once again.

Some of my Fine Art Work

I’ve been busy photography and processing more work for my artist website. I thought I’d share a few of them with you here on my blog.

Here is one lone chocolate on a white plate…calling my name. A French word overlay from French Kiss Collections was added to the image.
one chocolate
The Last Temptation Available for sale in my Kitchen Art Gallery.

This next image was captured on a cold winter’s day off of my back porch. I love the fiery colors of the sunset and the usual clouds and contrails.

brilliant sunset with pointing contrail clouds


Point the Way Home sunset is available on my Artist Website

This next image is a still life set up of a piece from my growing collection of jadite. I’ve become quite the collector of jadite. Love having my morning coffee out of this coffee cup-my favorite jadite piece–for now.

jadite coffee cup still lifeJadite Kitchen Wall Art


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, I’ve been keeping myself busy and out of the mostly rainy spring we’ve had here in Missouri by setting up still life shots, photographing them, and processing the images. Just any day I hear it’s supposed to be spring. Just any day…


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